Tuesday, January 06, 2004

It snowed again today...

This winter has been a lot different than the past few years. Not only did we get snow, but we got it four times! We've actually had snow on the ground for about a week now!

They predicted 6-8 inches of snow for this morning, changing to rain by late afternoon. We got at least 6 inches, I think. It was nice having real snow. It changes the world somehow. I had an errand to run, so I went for a walk. The air seemed stiller, the white world seemed more innocent, people slowed down and talk more... some grown men were playing a game of street football. Eventually, it did start to rain a little - more of a soft ice mist, actually. It was the kind of rain that was fun to walk in... tinkling like hundreds of small bells as it landed on my coat and hat. The whole thing had a magical feel to it.

It's now about 10pm and raining, but the snow still seems hardly touched. Still, I expect by the weekend that it'll all be gone and we'll be back to the normal Western Washington green. Ah, well. Green is a nice color too, eh.

9 more days till we leave for Japan. I think I'll sleep well on the plane... after I collapse from the exhaustion of getting ready.