Tuesday, October 12, 2004


This week I am on vacation. I found out back in August that, for the first time, I actually have two weeks vacation time! Of course, it would have been nice to know that before August, since it needs to be used by the end of the year or I lose it. Maybe it's just as well... I might have been tempted to use it for a trip somewhere during the summer, instead of using it now for what I really needed it for: going absolutely nowhere.

Well, not really nowhere. I did go grocery shopping and I have a Sakura-Con related meeting tonight. Sometime this week, I have one more errand to do... but that's about it. The rest of the time is being spent playing with the children and catching up on email and my web site... mostly just catching up, spending a week off the runaway train that my life has become.

I still have one more week to schedule... maybe in November sometime, eh.

Just got JAM Project's new album on Sunday. I've already listened to it several times. It's very good! My oldest daughter says "It has a very different feel from the other albums." It has a tighter, more professional, less shounen feel. I think JAM Project's members are getting better with age, eh. ^-^

I need to go get catfood. Even on vacation, some things never change...