Sunday, March 18, 2012

A new start?

I'm looking at my last post, amazed that I managed to neglect my web site for so long. The new rabbits mentioned in our last post have been part of our family for three years now. We still have the three cats, two rabbits, and the guinea pig - but they are definitely older now. Our oldest cat is 15 years old. We enjoy every day she's still with us.

Anyhow, you may have noticed that I'm finally updating portions of my site. On the Yoshiki Fukuyama site, the discography and concert schedule are finally fully updated. The discography page is getting very long... the amazing thing about it though is that I own the vast majority of the disks listed there! That's a lot of yen! The next project planned is updating the links page - and I'm planning to get rid of the BBS. No one really uses it much and people can reach me through Facebook.

Till next time (a much shorter wait, I hope, eh),