Tuesday, September 21, 2004


"This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of herd life, the military system, which I abhor... This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism -- how passionately I hate them!"

Those words were written by Albert Einstein, a truly intelligent man and fellow pacifist. I was looking up the dates he lived for my daughter and was sucked in by the rest of the site... and the links to a couple other sites. What should have been a "quick look up" turned into an afternoon's reading! He was an extremely fascinating person!

Actually, until I saw that quote, I was going to use the Rush song "Time Stand Still" as the theme to start my post. I've been planning it for over a week. The song is about wanting time to stand still for a little while so that we can more fully enjoy everything that is around us now. Ironically, it didn't get posted due to lack of time.

Between work, and kids' schoolwork, and Sakura-Con meetings, and errands, and appointments, my life has been like a run-away train.

I found out that I have a couple weeks vacation at work that I have to use by the end of the year. I plan to take at least a week of it next month sometime... and for once, I don't wan't to go anywhere. I normally am the type of person who wants to go places and explore, but this time I want to just stay home and spend time with the kids and maybe catch up on my email... maybe take the kids to a park. I miss the days when I could just throw them in the car and go wherever whenever we had the notion. Now we have to plan days in advance and hope nothing comes up to get in the way. (sigh) It used to be that I had more time than money. Now, thanks to the economy being the way it is, I don't have much of either.

Well, it's after 10:00pm... my "day off" is nearly over. I did manage to squeeze in a couple updates in on my web site... stuff I'd intended to do month's ago. I've added a couple "featured artist" pages to "Let's Talk Music": Far East Native and Tetsuro Morita. You've probably noticed I've changed my featured artists to a constant list from the "artist of the month" format. I could never keep up with it the other way... and this offers me the luxury of updating the artists' information a little more often.

I condensed down the concert calendar information for those artists I was keeping tabs on down to just the Yoshiki Fukuyama concert calendar and the Shounan Artists Concert Calendar.

Of course, this was all done at the expense of answering my email... I will get to it soon. Promise.

Right now, I need to go post in the Japanese version of the diary so I can finish and get to bed by midnight. I have to get up at 04:45 tomorrow to continue the ride on that runaway train...

By the way, the site map needs to be updated a little bit. I'll set it to right during my vacation next month. Good night.
