Sunday, May 29, 2005

Hey, Pedro!

Pedro, my friend in Puerto Rico is leaving on a trip to Japan tomorrow. On June 4th he's going to Yoshiki Fukuyama's tribute to Macross 7's main character, Nekki Basara. (For those who don't already know, Fukuyama-san was the singing voice of Basara during the run of the series, 1994-1998.)

I do have to admit to a just little bit of envy, but I'm very happy he's going. I look forward to seeing his report. (Lots of pictures, right, Pedro... LOTS of pictures!)

He'll be posting his report on his site:
Road to Jungle Fire

Anyhow, for the sake of Pedro and anyone else who may be interested, I translated the announcement on Fukuyama-san's site about the tour goods that will be on sale at the concert. It's posted on the main news page of the Fukuyama section of my site.

By the way, for anybody that is trying to reach me today: the kids and I will be at the Folklife Festival in Seattle. I'll tell you all about it when we get back. ^-^
