Friday, April 01, 2005

Real quick! Before I head out the door to work...

I was looking at the links on Yoshiki Fukuyama's official site this morning and found a site I hadn't noticed before. It's an anime music site in Brazil called Anime Songs Net.

There is an article with an interview with Fukuyama-san on the site. Based on the content, I'd say the interview was the beginning of last summer... It's been translated into Portugese (of course) and, for the English speakers out there, there is an "English version" of the interview. The English isn't perfect - but if you've ever been to an "English version" of a Japanese site, it's about the same. Odd at times, but readable. I rather enjoyed the article - in both languages. (I dabbled a little with Portugese a few years ago when my sister-in-law went on a mission for our church there. ^^)

One thing I found very interesting was the article above the interview. Apparently, they did their research on the internet to write it before interviewing him. The interesting part is that, except for one mistake, it all looks like it came off the profile page of my Fukuyama site...

And the mistake? They say he is from Tokyo instead of Kamakura (which is near Tokyo... in much the same way that Tacoma is near Seattle... about 45 minutes away by car).

I gotta go... see you later. ^-^


PS Just one week left until Sakura-Con 2005!