Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a great holiday season. Mine was very busy, but we had a lot of fun. It's been a hard year for a few family members though. We all have to chip in to help a bit. It's times like this that bring us closer together. Still... I'm hoping things will go better for them this year.

This last week marked a couple landmark moments for my web site:
Last Saturday was the 3rd anniversary of the site.
Sometime between Friday morning and Saturday afternoon, we hit 25,000 hits mark!

Wow! Thank you to everyone who has visited and supported this site!

I'm thinking that something should be done in commemoration... I'm planning to translate a couple of the Songs to Ponder into Japanese as soon as I can find the time this month. I've been wanting to do that for quite a while. Now is the time to start, eh.

Recent updates... I'm trying to get rest the JAM Project songs translated, but that may be a never ending battle. They are always recording more. ^-^ I did manage to get two of them done in the last week: "yakusoko no chi" and "genkai battle". I also went through the Yoshiki Fukuyama links making sure they were all up to date... and adding a couple new ones. A few links and a new picture have been added to the Spread Peace pages too. Thanks to my brother, Alfred, for adapting my artwork for a black background.

We almost had snow last weekend. Actually, it did snow, but just a trace. It was gone by mid morning. T-T I'm just crazy enough to actually like the stuff. They said something on the news about maybe getting snow next week. I sure hope so!

Although it can cause a few problems at work when we're getting the cars ready to drive...

Fukuyama-san's had a bit of a snow adventure getting to his New Year Countdown concert in Osaka. It's fun to read... or even if you can't read it, the pictures still say a lot. Check it out!
"Click on Gold experience", then "#8 Countdown"

He's been putting a lot of his concert reports on the "Gold Experience" page, so if you want to see pictures of him performing live, that's a great place to go.

Till next time...